HyspIRI Ecosystem Spectral Library

Welcome to Version 1.0 of the HyspIRI Ecosystem spectral library, a compilation of ecosystem related spectra developed to support the HyspIRI mission and Terrestrial Ecology Program.

The HyspIRI Ecosystem Spectral Library is a compilation of data from other Ecosystem spectral libraries.

If you use data from the HyspIRI Ecosystem Spectral Library in a publication we ask that you reference the contact person within the spectral library.

Reproduced from the HyspIRI Ecosystem Spectral Library through the courtesy of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California. Copyright © 1999, California Institute of Technology. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Contact information:
Cognizant Scientist: Simon.J.Hook@jpl.nasa.gov